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Welcome to BH & WR's Land >>> 140807-mendinghearts.blogspot.com
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
~ Arghhh... Illnesses, the misfortune of being human...

Dear readers,

Finally I am back with another dreadful post for you to read after so many weeks. LOL! Hope things have been going well for you guys or at least better than mine...

Recently being attacked by multiple waves of fever, stomach aches and nausea. It wasn't pleasant to say that at the least. But at least my second wave of fever, I had Dear to take care of me and I could find some escape in the cool temperature of his arms... (:

Please please, annoying stomach ache and even more annoying runs, pleaseeeeee go away!!!!!!! T_T

At the moment trying to pathetically gather some shreds of events management to organize a birthday outing/celebration day for my devilish angles Beng Rui and Shi Ying. Time seems to pass too fast when we need to get things done on time, but time seems to pass to slow when we yearn to see the person we most love.

Talking about yearning, I believe there is someone else yearning for a someone special who entered her life about 7 months ago. Had a brief chat with Ms. Rainie last night, and I could sense she was disheveled by the enlistment of her Darling. Even though no matter how well I can understand her feelings and loneliness, plus the sense of crying keep welling up from inside. I just couldn't find a way to comfort her with just written text in msn. And I felt so not good about it, because I am the type of person who always would like to be there for her friends whether good or bad. But whatever I said, just didn't seem to help much. Sighs... Ms. Rainie Ms. Rainie... Please don't haggle so much with the negative and "blue" thoughts in your mind. It will make the wait for lr longer believe me, I have been through it, and I am still going through similar situations right now until this very day. Try to keep your head in the game, and the game here is called life. Adapt and you'll realize the very truth of distance and time making the heart grow fonder... No doubt you have knowledge of this already, just that it's easier said than done... Buck up girl! You can do it! (:

Argh... Stupid stomach aches! ): Sobs! Ta-ta people! Time to get a good 8 hour rest before going back to work again. *waves*

||| *I'll miss you even in my sleep...* |||

Dear&Dar 1:48 AM

Sunday, September 12, 2010
~ A nice chat with 2 great friends...

Dear blog and beloved readers,

How should I start? Well firstly, I got to have some great exchange with my dear Fanghan and Tong Fen about experiences of how we think, and what we feel. And all of it actually linked back to our beautiful relationships with our other half.

Exchanged some good memories, some bad, lesser of the bad though, and we came to find out that girls almost think the same. Even though we are involved in different lives, different characters, deep inside I can say our thoughts are linked.

"And men say they do not understand women! Well you know what? They are right! They don't understand us!"

I just had a great lesson refreshed, of a topic I have reminded myself before but sometimes seem to forget, when bad things happen think of the good things your other half has done for you. Thank you Tong Fen! You lifted me up! *Figurely speaking* XD

Also not to forget, thank you Mr. Oh, for feeding me the past few days when I was having skeleton shifts. If it weren't for you, I don't think I would have managed to get any dinner at all. Husband Oh, I love you...

Even though you won't read it, but the rest of the world will know, how you are the best husband to me! But even all of that doesn't matter, all that matters is that you know I will always be there for you. Forgive my tantrums and girly mood swings, because deep inside I know I was wrong.

P.S.: I am going to be patient and wait it out. I hope I am doing the right thing!

||| *Going to meet Mr. Oh for lunch in 8 hours time!* |||

Dear&Dar 3:38 AM

Friday, September 3, 2010
~ Some new names?

Alright... I am in kind of a bad mood now, but let's not talk about that... I'll use my bad mood to vent on the wall later... Lol...

For now I would like to talk about the new names we have forged at Somerset Bencoolen! HAHA! It is sooooo inspiring! Here we go...

Fadhlina a.k.a. Mrs. Housefly

Phua Mei Chew a.k.a. Ahmeilaychun Bte Phua

Suhana a.k.a. Cute Bee

Azli a.k.a Big Brother Sotong

Me a.k.a Little Sister Sotong

I have no idea where it all came from, well at least 50% I am not too sure about how we got this crazy. Maybe it is because due to the upcoming bowling competition, which is TONIGHT!!! It is like OMG on the ANZ to the ABC!!! I am going to be the Drain Queen! Woohoo!

(Something real disturbing just dampened my mood... To hell yea...)

||| *Disappointed once again... It hurts...* |||

Dear&Dar 12:03 PM

Thursday, September 2, 2010
~ It has been almost 4 freaking months.

Yes yes I know I know, quit your whining... (Joking)

It has been almost 4 months ago since I last updated my blog and I can see the dust piling up in little clouds around here. *HATCHOO!!!*

Wiping away the little formations of dirt and dust from this good ole' blog, I have been considering to put some new skin into this online diary. However, I am afraid I lost 99.999999999% of my blogging skills... Thus, the new skin replacement might take another few decades to take place. Lolx.

Let me see... Hmmm... Nothing much happened though while I didn't blog... I think I can summarize the past few months in mere few sentences... Here we go! (:

I graduated from Republic Polytechnic, got my Diploma, joined back my Modern Dance group for an extra-ordinary performance in Indian style, meanwhile I got a job with The Ascott Pte. Ltd. at the property Somerset Bencoolen as a Guest Service Officer and we are all one big family over there! Ok, that was somewhat what happened during these past few months of absolutely non-blogging period... Boring huh?

I am also planning for a Wedding Dinner with my loveliest Dear but there doesn't seem to be a lot of progress... (No further comments about this...)

Seriously, next on my to-do list is to lose a few more kilograms before I can be satisfied with my body. Mainly aiming at my huge belly and even HUGER thighs... HAHA! Nonsense... Actually I wouldn't mind losing weight at the thigh areas as it would put less pressure to my still feebly, weak and injured knee. Damn it...

Wan Ru, are you crazy???! It is 0315hrs and you are still blogging at this hour???! Fine, it's time to go sleep now... And I will blog again, if there is something FAR more INTERESTING to say...

A hug to my blog, a bigger hug to my readers (which may be none by now, lol) and an even BIGGER hug to my Hubby Dear!!! =X

Good night loves!

||| *Didn't lose the old habits...* |||

Dear&Dar 3:05 AM

Sunday, May 16, 2010
~ Totally bored and contemplating...

Now that we all have graduated from our polytechnic institute... What should we do next?

Some go to universities, some want to relax for a year, others work part time, or people like me who are desperately looking for a proper, stable full time job.

This is a bad time to feel lost Wan Ru... A really bad time... *continues browsing on jobstreet.com*

||| *So are you coming or what?* |||

Dear&Dar 5:01 PM

Thursday, May 13, 2010
~ When it all comes to an end and a new beginning...

So dear readers, tomorrow it is going to my graduation ceremony together with the other few hundred School of Hospitality students. Registration starts at 12pm and ends at 12.30pm, and guests may be seated at 1pm.

Excited? Nah, I am not sure how to describe the feeling I currently have. Just that... HEY GUYS!!! WE'RE ACTUALLY GRADUATING!!! The 3 years of slacking and poly-ing went so fast, it was like yesterday when I first enrolled into this course. 3 colorful years of studying, playing and training hard.

Hope things will go smoothly tomorrow, so it can pass by in a jiffy, another unforgettable memory is going to be forged in about 10 hours plus time.

... and now something out of this topic ...



On a footnote dearest readers, this is going to be my last performance! And I am working as hard as possible for it, as much as my knee can take it! Hmm... I think it's time to sleep now? Hehe...

||| *Halo* |||

Dear&Dar 2:51 AM

Thursday, April 29, 2010
~ You know what?! You're the shithole!!!

I am so fucking pissed right now! I seriously can't keep my temper when SHE starts being an idiot about the past things and blaming the children for every damn thing that happened to her pathetic life!


It all started when she asked me to open up my brother's blog to let her read it. Then she came to a part when it said this in his blog:

My dear mum...
I really hope u will change. im getting tired..
Please.. let others help you...
Dont be the way u are now..
Please change back to ur old self.
i miss ur old self..
Let us be one whole family again...
Im losing hopes on you...
Giving up coz i realised...

-If you dont want to be helped nobody can help you [:"

And then she got all upset just because of that piece of little text, telling me that he was blaming her for their recent quarrel and I don't know wtf else! Especially when I answered her that I didn't think it was very hurting or anything, oh boy the "party" was about to start with her!

Then there was this computer issue... She uses my laptop then recently something went wrong with my files and all, and my files are precious to me because it has almost 4 years of life stored in it. So my mum isn't like the worst IT idiot, but you know, she isn't that good with computers, so i was worried for my own stuff. Therefore, I made a new user account for her, besides my own one of course. her account is so much neater without all my rubbish on the desktop and all the files occupying every single corner of the laptop; I GAVE HER A NEW ACCOUNT TO HERSELF and guess what she said..

... YOU DON'T TRUST ME, YOU THINK I WILL DIG INTO YOUR FILES!!! I never said that woman!!! You are thinking that, but i never even said that! What is the matter with you paranoid sicko!

AND THEN, that is when the REAL "party" started! I was so freaking mad I can tell you I couldn't control my temper anymore at all! This was seriously fucked up ok.

No mood to type anymore about this now... Tonight it's going to be a night on the street for me sleeping, because SOMEONE just said she would be leaving our lives forever! Attention seeker! I must leave the house now in order for her to stay in the house... Good night people, pray for me tonight is cool night outside to get some sleep.

||| *To my wits end...* |||

Dear&Dar 1:08 AM