Wednesday, October 6, 2010

~ Arghhh... Illnesses, the misfortune of being human...
Dear readers,
Finally I am back with another dreadful post for you to read after so many weeks. LOL! Hope things have been going well for you guys or at least better than mine...
Recently being attacked by multiple waves of fever, stomach aches and nausea. It wasn't pleasant to say that at the least. But at least my second wave of fever, I had Dear to take care of me and I could find some escape in the cool temperature of his arms... (:
Please please, annoying stomach ache and even more annoying runs, pleaseeeeee go away!!!!!!! T_T
At the moment trying to pathetically gather some shreds of events management to organize a birthday outing/celebration day for my devilish angles Beng Rui and Shi Ying. Time seems to pass too fast when we need to get things done on time, but time seems to pass to slow when we yearn to see the person we most love.
Talking about yearning, I believe there is someone else yearning for a someone special who entered her life about 7 months ago. Had a brief chat with Ms. Rainie last night, and I could sense she was disheveled by the enlistment of her Darling. Even though no matter how well I can understand her feelings and loneliness, plus the sense of crying keep welling up from inside. I just couldn't find a way to comfort her with just written text in msn. And I felt so not good about it, because I am the type of person who always would like to be there for her friends whether good or bad. But whatever I said, just didn't seem to help much. Sighs... Ms. Rainie Ms. Rainie... Please don't haggle so much with the negative and "blue" thoughts in your mind. It will make the wait for lr longer believe me, I have been through it, and I am still going through similar situations right now until this very day. Try to keep your head in the game, and the game here is called life. Adapt and you'll realize the very truth of distance and time making the heart grow fonder... No doubt you have knowledge of this already, just that it's easier said than done... Buck up girl! You can do it! (:
Argh... Stupid stomach aches! ): Sobs! Ta-ta people! Time to get a good 8 hour rest before going back to work again. *waves*
||| *I'll miss you even in my sleep...* |||
1:48 AM