Wednesday, February 17, 2010

~ Happy Chinese New Year everybody!!!
*Our family portrait*Actually I have quite a few photo's to post up about this year's CNY! But hor, don't know why the internet is so darn slow and lag and I don't know what. So ya... But I managed to squeeze some into Blogger!!! HEHE!!!
These few days seem to pass so quickly, especially when you are having fun with your buddies, family and hubby! The nights went pretty fast too, I actually overnight with him for 3 nights! Not consecutive though, but time flies when I get to sleep with him, with my head on one of his shoulders. (:
I wish I could spend the night with him everyday, but oh well, we don't have our own house yet! Lol! Applied already though now waiting for the balloting results to come out end this month. Let us pray, let us pray we get a house for ourselves!!! *praying*
Well, I am kind of weary now and I feel that it is time to go to bed, so here are the rest of the photos the complete the story of how we buddies roughly spend the new year together! Though, there is no evidence of our heavy gambling sessions, because we were all too busy to take photos then! HAHA!
*Dear was being iced by a Tiger!*
*Dear, Yl and OMG!!! Jason's face is sadly enough blocked.*
*Needless to say the 3 ladies and the sun!*
*Conclusion: KKY the Loner was being kicked by me!* XD
*Another "family" picture!*
*SMILE!!! (:*
*Aww!!! The rabbit in KKY's house is so adorable!*
*Anyone watched Percy Jackson & The Lightning Thief? Well, I was pretending to hold that lighting bolt! LOL!*
*HUAT ARH!!! CHI ARH!!! HER ARH!!! YESAHHH*Rofl!And to all my other buddies and VIPs and VVIPS and loved ones and family and friends and and and!!!... Have a roaring year ahead and I wish you all the health and luck you deserve!!!
||| *Faster come back home again Dear! You're being missed!* |||
1:41 AM

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

~ If you ask me... This is going to be a short post...
Having serious headache and soar throat now. AGAIN! Like the third time in barely a month and the feeling is so not good! Never mind, tomorrow having a fun studying session at Gallen Daddy's house with all the RP kaki's! Looking forward!!! (:
Some food for the soul with the next few quotes:"If you asked me how many times you have crossed my mind I would say once because you never really left...""When life gives you lemons you make lemonade""When I saw you I was afraid to meet you. When I met you I was afraid to kiss you. When I kissed you I was afraid to love you. Now that I love you, I am afraid to lose you."And now it is time to go to bed people... Aufwiederzhen!!! Muack!
||| *CNY is going to be such a drag this year... 'Cos of her! ):* |||
2:24 AM

Monday, February 8, 2010

~ As he came and went...
Saturday going over to Sunday at around 00.55, Lao gong touched down back in Singapore! I was hanging around the airport for about 4 to 5 hours, luckily not all by myself. At first I was accompanied by my Si Hui nu er then after that I met Bao Ling to roam around the airport until both her boyfriend (Jerevin) and my hubby reached their belt.
It was belt 22 and we stood there for like ages making each other nervous for no reason. I thought I was going to have some nervosity breakdown or something! Lol. and we were definitely quite high, squeezing each others hands because we were cold and excited to see them at the same time.
But as time always flies by when I am with him, he had to book in this morning again back to camp. Sighs... Can't wait until he gets his 9 to 5 position at NS.
Currently looking for a full-time job to pursuit after RP, and I tell you honestly, I am quite scared of the idea to really tread into the real working world. I have applied for an event management related position with The Ritz-Carlton at their website. Now let us wait and see whether any other interesting job opportunities will come by.
||| *Sometimes, it is better to be like a child.* |||
3:14 PM