Monday, December 28, 2009

As I browsed through those lovely ROM pictures for the so maniest time, even though its already 2 am in the morning, I just can't get enough looking at them. Everytime I just get that so loved feeling... No matter how bad our day was, or how bad the mood was, or how bad the quarrel was... The feelings are just being strengthened by it only!
Now that I think of him, I don't want to talk about the haywire my family is in once again... I really don't feel like it... So let's end this post here and watch one show and off to bed...
||| *Good night Bao Bao! Didn't get to call you! ):* |||
1:46 AM

Friday, December 18, 2009

- Si Hui nu er and Me!
Today, went out with my dear Si Hui for a while only.
The very first thing which was on our agenda was to go and disturb Cheryl Lim the Stalker!!! She works at this really cute shop selling baking materials and all sorts, so like her! If anyone is near Newton, do visit her little shop!
Secondly, we decided to wait for Stalker's reply whether she would be joining us for dinner or not. So, in the meantime we decided to go for some shopping at Bugis Junction! We browsed through first and second floor and hunted for Si Hui's laced dress she needed for Christmas! During our shopping phase we bumped into Wan Ting's little shop selling clothes too and said hi to her. After browsing around for another 15 minutes, Si Hui was so desperate for her dress, she decided to make a U-turn to Wan Ting's shop for her purchase. Hehe. But it was worth the money. The dress is really so her and so cute!
After that, we still walked around kind of aimlessly, but suddenly I decided I should get something new too finally. So there we went again hunting for good priced and good looking clothes. Guess what, I decided to buy a dress too! It is this really cute, body hugging, white colored mini dress with drop off shoulders! Dear hubby, you're going to love this piece of clothing I bought. Hehee...! Moreover, this lovely dress sold at only $10!!! Can you believe it?! On top of that, since it was kind of plain, Si Hui and me decided I should get an accessory, something like a long necklace. And yes! I got another little something for myself, which was a long purple and black bead like necklace, and absolutely looked matchingly good with the dress. (:
Though had a budget shopping, because I hate wasting money, the feeling was good! I was finally being more like a girl! (And I just realized something, I find it so hard to shop things for myself! Argh! Sometimes I wonder whether I am a girly girl at all or not).
Oh yea! We had a dinner at Manhatten Fish Market afterwards, it was a good meal, even though stalker couldn't make it to join us!
Well, I haven't get the chance yet to take a photo of this dress, but once I do have the chance I shall upload it to my blog or facebook!
<3 *I should go sleep now right? Yea, I guess I should...*||| *I miss you Lao Gong, Jia You for your test tomorrow!* |||
1:55 AM

Monday, December 14, 2009

- Oh my...
I am sick!!! Haizz... Why??? My nose is like a tap that is broken... Sometimes stuck sometimes running like waterfall. And like soooo itchy... Everytime its Hatchoo!!!
Haha... Damnnn... Too tired to blog actually, just felt like writing some crap... On a sidenote... Dear has gone back to camp again. Sadded. Missing him already. Some more he is going to have a fieldcamp from Monday until Wednesday afternoon. Can't call or sms him in the meantime. ):
Anyway... Argh... Never mind too tired le. I surrender to sleep! Haha...
||| *Good night little world and Lao Gong! I love you!* |||
1:39 AM

Saturday, December 12, 2009

- A funny and quick conversation...
Today, while I was rushing to pick up Dear from MRT I met this very strange person. Which I had a very short but funny conversation with. Since I do not wish that my blog would be tagged as semi-active I decided to paste this funny memory up to my blog post. (:
" Wan Ru was rushing towards Woodlands MRT because she was running late to pick up her Dear! When suddenly a kind of sleazy looking man approached her..."Sleazy man: "Excuse me, excuse me miss. Would you give me a minute?!"WR: *Stares blankly at stranger guy."Sleazy man: "I am sorry to disturb you but I was wondering if you would be interested to be an actress or hostess in a TV programme/show? I am a talent scout seeking for new faces for the TV.WR: *Still in rushing mode and gives Sleazy man bewildered look.* "Erhm, no. I am sorry, I am not interested. Ehe."Sleazy man: "Oh but you look gorgeous miss, you are. And how old are you?"WR: "No. No I don't. Haha. I am 21 years old."Sleazy man: "So you don't think your beautiful or gorgeous?"WR: *Shakes head vivaciously* "No I do not think I am gorgeous." *Smiled*Sleazy man: "Oh well. I am sorry, but are you rushing somewhere? To where?"WR: "Actually I am quite in a rush to Jurong side. I need to pick up my husband."Sleazy man: *Gives bewildered look* "Your so young! You're 21 and you have a husband!"WR: *Nods her head in acknowledgment* "Yea, I am sorry, but I really have to go now."As I smiled one last time to this stranger sleazy guy, I turned my back and ran off to catch my MRT. While I was walking away from him, I could still hear him mumbling, something like you're 21 and you're married. I was quietly savoring on that sweet thought, that yes, I am married so what. And guess what, I am so freaking happy about it! Because I feel like a whole with my husband. A whole heart, a whole life, a whole soul and anything else which was broken before... <3||| *It's going to be great. Our lives. Together.* |||
2:17 AM