- Timeless - ||| ~06Mrs06Oh09~ ||| - Memories - says:
*God is here
*how can i help u?
Jibby says:
*god got msn now?
*not bad huh
- Timeless - ||| ~06Mrs06Oh09~ ||| - Memories - says:
*So how can I help u my son?
Jibby says:
*dear god almighty
*i need help to cure my face
*is there a solution for it
*god i noe u can help me
*please i really need ur help
*there's nobody else that i can seek help from
- Timeless - ||| ~06Mrs06Oh09~ ||| - Memories - says:
*my dear son
*i shall help u
*on one condition
Jibby says:
*god, i taught that you only offer help willingly
*god u musnt be calculative
- Timeless - ||| ~06Mrs06Oh09~ ||| - Memories - says:
*there are two side son the coin
*in order to achieve your cure
*u have to do something for society
Jibby says:
*like giving a donation isit?
*or help those unfortunate people?
- Timeless - ||| ~06Mrs06Oh09~ ||| - Memories - says:
*yes. you have to help the unfortunate
Jibby says:
*but i have been doing that since young
*i have done alot of good deeds
*but i dun get anything in return
*thats not fair
- Timeless - ||| ~06Mrs06Oh09~ ||| - Memories - says:
*yes you did. you get a wonderful life in return
*so now, just listen to the almighty
*u HAVE to help the unfortunate, named...
*... MINAH ...
Jibby says:
*oh that human being is not unfortunate
*that is a total retard human being
*she has a mouth that open but cant shut up
- Timeless - ||| ~06Mrs06Oh09~ ||| - Memories - says:
*Minah told u to shut up
*she shouted so hard i heard it in heaven
*Very simple, to achieve your cure, make sure you pray for her everynight
*that she learns to shut up...
Jibby says:
*yea i'll pray to god that she will shut up
- Timeless - ||| ~06Mrs06Oh09~ ||| - Memories - says:
*Possible? Fair?
Jibby says:
*fair enough
*i'll go to all the god and pray for her
*hopefully she can shut up and dun sound like a china gurl
- Timeless - ||| ~06Mrs06Oh09~ ||| - Memories - says:
*She said go and die
*haiz so noisy
Jibby says:
*tell her go langkawi and die
*big arse gurl
- Timeless - ||| ~06Mrs06Oh09~ ||| - Memories - says:
*ok ok
*that's enough
*let the lord praise you and i'll leave you to your journey to cure
Jibby says:
*thank god
*one more request
*tell the minah gurl to shut the hell up before i whack her arse
- Timeless - ||| ~06Mrs06Oh09~ ||| - Memories - says:
*I will do that, now good luck my Son
*will you join Colin and me for lunch later?
Jibby says:
*okay will do
- Timeless - ||| ~06Mrs06Oh09~ ||| - Memories - says: