Friday, April 24, 2009

- Birthday Boy!!!
Lesson is about to end and going to do homework, RUSH my homework I would say. I need to go and get some stuff for Shi Hui and Dear from their house. Kai Yian better help me carry the bags later.
Oh GOD! This facilitator is so DRAGGY!!! I am going to run late like this!
I am going for chalet, chalet, chalet, chalet, chalet, chalet, chalet, chalet, chalet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
||| *Happy Birthday to you, your born in the Zoo!* |||
3:51 PM

Thursday, April 23, 2009

- Oh my goodness sad...
Ok, not exactly throw la, but she left it behind at the pond specially for tortoises. Xiao gui something...
And I wasn't even aware of it... :( She did it while I was at Shi Rui's house playing Monopoly...
First tortoise passed away during Christmas, sobs... Then now I didn't even see our second tortoise off!!! Double the sobs...
I'll miss you Toto...
||| *Mourns a bit* |||
2:14 PM

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

- Argh... The pains...
Okay, the cramps are so-called supposed to get less at the second day, but it just got worse. I am dying in class... On top that, listening to a Taiwanese facilitator??? Argh...
I was reminded too that Republic Polytechnic is truly a replica of a freezer... Brrr... ~_~
Yesterday, having module for risk, security and crisis management. Today, it is module for hospitality and tourism management.
And it is like oh my tian ah! One Taiwanese facilitator and one Philippino facilitator. I am so cramped up, ok I can't take it anymore... Pfft... Just died... X_x
||| * See.Are.Eye.Eee.Ass * |||
12:08 PM

Friday, April 17, 2009

- And this is what I found.
Wolf dream meaningMeaning of Dreams about WolfWolf Dreams - the Hidden MeaningPsychological Meaning: Wolves are usually seen as something threatening that attacks during the night when we are most vulnerable. In dreams they can represent everything you are afraid of in yourself. This may include self-destructive tendencies, aggression or uncontrolled sexual desire. It could also represent a worldly trouble such as a financial problem i.e. ‘keeping the wolf from the door’. Celtic revivalists give the wolf a better press: it is your instinctive nature, your familiar that guides you through the forests of the night.
(I forgot to mention, that it was night time all the time in my dream.)Night Dream Meaning Meaning of Dreams about NightNight Dream MeaningPsychological Meaning: The night can represent the unconscious side of the personality. It can also symbolise ignorance,
evil or the despair of the dark night of the soul. The process of becoming requires us sometimes to enter the darkness before emerging into light.
Mystical Meaning: An old superstition says that you can avoid nightmares by hanging your socks or stockings over the end of the bed with a pin stuck through them. The gypsies say that to dream of the night shows despair unless you see a wagon, campfire or a star studded sky.
* I am destructive, I am in despair... :'( *
10:54 AM

- I was scared for a moment...
I had the weirdest dream last night, I swear... It has been such a long time ago since I had a REAL dream, because now a days I am just too tired to still dream I guess. In any case, for some weird reason I don't want to lose the memory of this dream.
Here my recount of the broken pieces of my dream/nightmare:
"Walking calmly around in one of Singapore's neighborhoods together with my mother and brothers. I know we were content, but yet we were silent and didn't talk much. Suddenly, the peacefulness was shattered when we saw someone stumbling and groaning along the roadside. The man fell down and didn't move for a few moments. Just when we were about to walk over to the man, his body started shuddering and his head jerked up violently. As he stood up he slowly turned into a wolve and grabbed a passer-by and bit him. Scared out of our wits we rushed back home. Once we reached there we barricaded our front door and looked out of the window. The virus was spreading fast, I could see people being shredded and bitten turning into wolves after that. It was a terrifying dead scene. We know we were surrounded, with only few survivors around us..."And that is when I woke up. Strangely enough I was scared like hell, even though I think I know what I was doing in my dream. Does it mean anything? Is it because I had an argument yesterday before I reached home and went to bed? Did I do something wrong? I don't know...
* Last day of internship! Celebration time! *
10:06 AM

Saturday, April 11, 2009
We know you are in Japan and with your "great" mother! But we will wish you from our heart...
Our old bird, KKY...
May you live a long life and find a nu peng you soon enough!
6:14 PM

- Damn it...
Really guys... I swear and I am not lying! I tried to upload a load of photo's last night about from 1.30 am until 2 am. But it was just so
fucking slow to get it uploaded, that I did not manage to let it finish download!
Seriously I am so pissed... Because of more than one factor anyway...
* I truly hate you, you know who you are*
10:19 AM

Thursday, April 9, 2009

- Ahhh, not on purpose...
Dearest readers and bloggers... Yes I know I have promised more photo's to come, and really it is not that I didn't want to post it, but I have been so damn busy.
- Going for normal work everyday.- Preparing for events.- FYP meetings.- Attend to homely matters.I feel that my home really hasn't been a home for me... Especially the past few days... Everytime kena scolding or nagged at. I know mothers are supposed to that, but please ok. After you finish nag it is over! Don't keep bringing it up again and again and again and again!!! Repeating history as if it would be happening tomorrow!!!
I HATE IT!* No mood for anything *
9:19 AM

Thursday, April 2, 2009

- Promised photo's part 1 :)

Here are two photo's from the event SPH did for Singapore Business Awards! Above is a picture of my "father-in-law" and me. My boss claimed that he looked like a "father-in-law" after seeing this picture. Lol! He is funny. :)

This is a photo of me, Danny and Niccolle at the event. :) Niccolle is a pretty lady!!! More photo's to come my darling readers. But I do not have it at hand at the moment. Rushing out for lunch now. ^^
* My world, you, the universe, endless *
12:20 PM