Tuesday, September 16, 2008

- Long long ago... NOT!
Oh yes, and as asual, this person has been busy
for days with work and what-so-not-ever etc
Reasoning: No time to blog and update on anything.
Perhaps now would be the time to recap shortly on the
past happening events. =D
First of all, I would like to wish my Dear a happy 13th month!
It was past Sunday, even though we did not really get the
chance to celebrate, due the fact that we were working.
13 is by the way not the luckiest number. But who cares?!
We have passed our 13 weeks, now we will pass our
13 months, and we WILL pass our 13 years and more...
I love you Dear! Waiting for your exam results...
After that, adjusting to my 3 new classes. E66C, E65G and
E65J. I do not really know the first 2 classes too well, as
E65J is the so-called fixed class of mine. Quite a funny
bunch of people. He-he...
(Mabel is currently bullying me under the table. Torturing my
feet! =((( Ha-ha!!)
Stoning right now, trying to concentrate hard!
||| *This is not a threat, this is a promise!* |||
2:37 PM

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

- Officially?
Officially going back to school for the time
being until it is Hari Raya holidays! Because then
it is work work and work to the max!
Recently my laptop has been reformatted and I lost
every single trace of information from my memory.
Saddening la, but at least it is working well now...
Thanks to my Dear, who went all the way down to Jurong
to get this stupid thing fixed.
Now being super super bored in class, but no choice!
Guess what... My facilitator for Events Logistics and
Facilities Management module is also my PP advisor!
However no worries! He is a mister nice guy. =D
Dear is going to have his last at 3pm later!
Too bad you don't get to read this.
Pass or Fail... I feel you did try your best!
You better have! WAHAHA!
Love you! =X
F1 event is coming up soon! What job should I take?
Hmmm... ^-^
Ta-ta people... I really have to start paying attention now.
||| *Lots to do! Lots to see! Lots to achieve!* |||
10:18 AM

Thursday, September 4, 2008

- New events, and no pictures...
Finally back to add a short and fresh entry. Bare with all
the walls of text people, because currently using a stupid
school laptop, so no pictures for now. =(
News: Went back to Cathay to work there, now stationed
at Causeway Point. No money = No food. So ya, work work
However, no worries! My Dear was so sweet to actually
also go back to Cathay to work, so he can accompany me.
Thank you!!! =X
Overlooked the fact that school started yesterday already!
Happily went to work when my friend Si Hui messaged me.
LOL! Alamak, I am such a sotong! But without laptop and
never got any announcement by sms from my school, I was
not aware of this fact. Never mind. Today I am at school.
Ha-ha... But tomorrow work already scheduled, so no choice
but to go work instead of school.
Tomorrow's module is Service quality and professional etiquette.
I don't think that will be needeed tomorrow. He-he...
Ok, enough for now. Need to get my head back to class now,
She is so boring!!! Argh...
*Make my day you bitch!*
8:53 AM