So now I am wondering, which idiot
designed this stupid theory about women.
I mean really, this statement just pulls the status
of the female homo sapiens to the dirt of the ground.
"A woman is a woman, only after she had SEX!"
Isn't that so ridiculous?! I mean please! Come on
can? Hello! Wake up call for you men out there!
Since when did we women state that men are men
only once they had
sex?! Never? Then why do you
have to minimize our existence?
I'm sorry, just being quite pissed by this untruthful fact
stated... and as I went to look up the definition of
woman on the web it said:
"A woman is an adult female human being."
"The term woman usually is used for an adult, with the term girl being the usual term for a female child or adolescent. However, the term woman is also sometimes used to identify a female human, regardless of age, as in phrases such as "Women's Rights"."
Nowhere to be found that they had to have
sex first! Then are
5-year old girls who get raped also women???

Anyway, enough of all this... and this... and that...
SO SAD!!! I can't go and watch my Dear's and
my friend's performance!
Got something important going on in school...
Sobs... On top of that it is his first performance!
Also Yao Liang first performance! They always
come and watch me, no matter how lousy I am...
I do not know whether you are lazy or just not bothered to find out
what I wrote to you the other day. IT was SPECIALLY meant for you
only! But instead of you solving it, other people solved it... I do bother
to read what you have to write to me... No matter how hard to crack...
I didn't give up... Did you? Don't answer me... Answer yourself...
I love you...
||| *Wondering where that little bit of dignity of you is left.* |||