Monday, June 30, 2008

- Last Saturday
Had a outing with my secondary school buddies.
Too bad only two of them could make it on Saturday.
Anyway, I was quite tired, maybe it was better like this.
*Mich Ng with her ramen* So I went out with Mich Ng and Fanghan. First we went
to Plaza Singapura to eat lunch. We ate
Ajisen Ramen! It was yummy, but quite pricey too! XS
*Fanghan eating crayfish ramen* ^-^After that we strolled all the way
back to somerset to go to Cineleisure to watch movie. We decided to watch Wanted and it
was not bad ba. However, it was real bloody. Not really my type of show. Never mind, it
was quite exciting at the end.
*Mich Ng, Me & Fanghan**Half head only?! T^T*
*Have we become ghosts??*
As the day ended for our outing, I went to find Dear
afterwards. When I reached his house, there was
no one at home. T^T Some more I had
an incredible tummy ache. I went to walk around at
768 and when I came back they were home at last!
*When I was waiting at an empty home*
However, that stupid manager of my Dear kept him
up so long and until so late. I hate C****! CB!
Grrr... Ha-ha, relax babe, relax...
Falling asleep currently, will update very soon
after this post. But for now, BYE BYE PEOPLE!!!
||| *Trying to conquer sleepiness and UT's!!!* |||
2:48 PM

- Tong Fen's cousin Birthday!
Just a few days ago, it wasTF's cousin birthday, and we wentout together.Tong Fen, her cousin (PS forgot ur name), YaoLiang, Kai Yian, Dear and me. ^-^It was dead funny la... We actually went toKBoxto celebrate her birthday, but she did not know.Then halfway, suddenly this birthday cake pop upfor her! Ta-daa!!!After we tired of singing, we went over to a gameof healthy Truth & Dare!Let the photo's speak for themselves!!! ^-^V*YL, after TF turned down his marriage proposal*
*Some funny faces for on the way home*
*More of YL & TF*||| *Tinkering over those days* |||
11:02 AM

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

- It is here!
Good morning to all and everyone
out there =)
Yes, as I have promised here come to
photos we took the other day during
our airport duty. We are like a crazy
cam-whoring throughout our shift.
Oh by the way, that guy in the photos, he doesn't
actually belong at Terminal 1 can. He simply dropped
by to say hi and disturb us.
Si Hui, Gallen & me all the way!!! ^.^

8:38 AM

Monday, June 23, 2008

- Oohh!!! The Fried Rice!
Oh yes, and today another day ofstucky-ness at Changi airport. At oursuper tall, banana yellow desk.Today Dear so sweet accompany me to theairport and he is like waiting for me for over8 hours, just so that he can bring me home.Aww... =3I have been working on my Professional Profileall day! Currently, I seriously need a break sothat's why I am blogging. Dots! Never mind meanyway. Ha-ha!I just want to announce that I am having the bestcook sitting right next to me at the moment.Her name is... *drums rolling*>>>SI HUI!!!<<<
*Yes! This is indeed her wonderful creation!*Yes people, I actually got to enjoy her cooking today. She cooked fried rice for me for dinner! So sweets right? Hehe, right now enjoying my dinner still. Anyway people, nothing more to say. I want to go talk talk to Tong Fen, because she is keeping me awake on my night shift! I am so blessed with my friends! Thank you! Goodbye! =) P.S.: We were cam-whoring the other day, but the pictures will have to wait for a while!
||| *pondering over some issues* |||
8:26 PM

Sunday, June 22, 2008

- Attached, to Changi Airport.

Now I am sitting in front of this very high
yellow desk and looking at an Indian
guy strolling down the terminal. It is so very boring can...
Luckily I do have my girl friend here, Si Hui,
can talk a bit, sleep a bit, rot a bit, eat a bit... ZzZ...
On top of that, I just received this really bad news that
we will only be working for 4 days instead of 7!
I mean, I arranged my whole week's schedule already, then now they suddenly the damn thing! I am so fed up with this dumb ass school! But
now, I can see a bit more of Dear... I thinkI am such a lousy and blur girlfriend. Everytime I
feel I am just giving him problems and causing trouble.
Yesterday, I was kena caught by this BiTcH busofficer who checks EZ link cards. I was using Dear's card, because it is cheaper for me to travel with his card. I
have to travel all the way from home to Changi! Then
now the card confiscated and have to pay a fine of $50/-!!! Like WTH!!!! And now... I made him not so happy... All
because of my stupid-ness. I just don't know how I can overcome my dumb brain and make it to functionin the right freaking way! I am so useless and so numb! ='(
I have to make it better! I have to!Ok, being real desperate now. Dots... Something just happened, but I am too boring to type
it down now. Hahax! Perhaps tomorrow
or the day after. Ta-ta people!

- LovesDear -||| *Trying to figure out were it went wrong* |||||| *Brain malfunction* |||
9:49 AM

Friday, June 20, 2008


COZ... it hurts...
Don't wonder why I wrote this, those who know in what kind
of situation I am and how down I am. Will know... Not looking
for sympathy... Just looking for some peace at heart...
It makes me so so tired... I am close to death's grasp, but it will
never win if I don' t let it win.
Choices are there to make, not to be canceled. Ways are to
be traveled, not to be avoided. Hearts are to be mended, not to be
With love,
Wan Ru.
|||*trying to mend things that fell apart*|||
2:57 PM

Monday, June 16, 2008

- 10th month! Oh my...

We passed our 10th month! I could
not be happier at the moment! I am so in
... Well I think you can guess it alright. =)
Last weekend, was the greatest weekend
in all my 19 years of life! Spend 3D 2N with
Dear... Ooohh... I wish it would never end...
Friday night, was a night out with crazy friends
and at night had a game of DOTA with them too.
Then I have this one girl friend named Tong Fen,
and I swear she is so funny when she plays this
game. LOLX!~
TF: "I have revived!!!"
She actually announces when she has returned
to the game. Seriously, so cute.
Anyway... I hope I can give you happiness
until the end of my time, and be there in good
and bad times. Your being loved. =X
However, now I have to go back to my crazy class.
Being caged, bondaged and clamped... and oh my God
so many other things.
You don't want to know, trust me.
Okay, ta-ta!
- Loves Dear! -
9:36 AM

Friday, June 13, 2008

- Oh! It's ok le!!! ^-^
Owww!!! He never overslept!
Dear never tell me his class cancelled!
Then Yao Liang also never know...
Haiz! Never mind, at least now I know
I never make him anything, he is okay!
LOL! He arh... Make me worried for nothing.
- Loves! -
10:58 AM

- Another 14 more hours...

... and it will be our 10th Monsary!
I am somehow looking forward to it... but...
Tell you why... Last night, after Dear brought
me home. I knew he was going to play
one round of DOTA before going to bed. I was
a bit worried, because I know these kind of games
can end pretty late. On top of that, the next day (which
is today) he has to wake up at 5am to go to school.
So, this morning I did not receive any message
from him and I feared he might have overslept again.
I called him many times to no avail, and at the end
tried to wake up his sister to get her to wake him up.
He messaged me after that, and the message only
contained a "yes yes :x" He was not even
regretting it. I believed in him that he would not sleep
so late and that he could wake up on time! He told
me he would do all that... I guess it was too much
to plead for. I told him this in my reply to his message.
Until now, he still hasn't replied me... He has left me
wondering whether he is angry, upset or just sad.
I know I can't change him or stop him from doing
what he has to do. I will not do that anyway, because
guys all have their own way I guess. I just hope that
one day he will see why I am always so worried and
that his rest is more important than his games!
Still no reply from him... I think I made him...
So sad...
It's my fault... What a lousy girlfriend he has...
...Forgive me...
- I will always love you Dear - - No matter what -
9:41 AM

Thursday, June 12, 2008

- Tell you a secret... It's a Thursday!
*I am a SOTONG! XD*Quite a while since I blogged.
Not that long ago, but quite some
time la... Hehe...
Yesterday, I went for the leadership
programme thingy. It was so lame can, but
quite funny after while. Got to know some other
crazy people from other Create IG's.
Then when three quarter of the programme
had passed, I injured my knee. It was so
damn PAIN and ****, and ****, and toooot and
peeeet!!! Freaking PAIN!!! ='(
This stupid left knee already had an injury which
never recovered properly, and now it was injured
again! Aargh... Now I tore my meniscus...
Just in case who does not what is a meniscus, it
is a kind of tissue that is attached to the bone.
However, the most sickening thing was, I didn't
even really jump la. I simply twisted the damn
knee, and it went "CRACK!"...
Haiz... Saddening...
Can't dance, walk properly, run, jump or climb.
Never mind, have to wait I am full recovered.
I think I have learned a lesson here.
P.S.: Dear, I FOUND YOU!!! *MUAHAHA!!!*
9:25 AM

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

- Holidays?? O.o
As I was thinking.. This week..
Should be quite a fulfilling one right?
On the 14th June our Modern Dance
IG will be having an outing and dinner.
However, I don't think I feel like joining them.
Not that they are not fun people, but...
I have something far more important going on!
Dear should know what I mean... =X
Planning to finish at least half of my PP by
the end of this week, so I can start the school
week afresh. =)
Later I finish here, then I am going to find
Dear le. I miss him..
See what can do in the the bus meanwhile.
Okay, I want to do other thing le.
2:14 PM