Thursday, January 31, 2008

Don't know what to say. Ha-ha.
Oh guys, yesterday class was like damn
fun! We took lots of pictures and our
facilitator told us to make a summary of
all the cognitive problems on mahjong
paper. The whole day got music and we
acted like insane people.
I am going to miss them. Don't know what to
say le. Ha-ha... This class is so much better
than my previous semester 1 class. More life,
more learning, more of everything. Dots...
We have another 2 days to spend in this E35J.
Looking out for the chalet. =)
Also holiday's around the corner, and I'll have
to start working hard! I don't want Dear
needing to support me so much. He has done
more than enough already.
He is so CUTE! XDI have done nothing for him yet, and I
feel really bad. I am SORRY I am such an
useless girlfriend... =(
Then yesterday he mentioned my friend again
that walked me to school. Every time he says it's
ok, but I know his heart tells him something
else. I know it is not fair to him. He can't help
it he doesn't have time for me for a while.
He has to work, and I don't know how to explain
it to my friend. Dilemma! X(
Couldn't sleep again last night. I was just
thinking and thinking how to get this
thing right. Then my nose also not really helping
me. It is so terrible...
Oh no... I don't think I can have my surprise
ready on our 6th month! Sadded sia...! How to
cope??! Busy hor these days...
Got to go now... Back to my boring class...
Behind this screen... Behind the scenes...
... Bye bye ...
9:25 AM

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Is it, the flu???

I think soon my nose will drop off already.
It's already so spoiled, and it keep running away.
Last night couldn't sleep again. Just stare...
This morning don't want to wake up.
Ha-ha... Funny Mic...
At night don't want to sleep, in the morning
don't want to wake up.
Dear working this whole week and hardly got time
to see him. I hope he gets more than enough
sleep these days.
Ok, feeling too miserable at the moment to
type any further. Later my laptop kena
my nose contents...
... Eww ...
9:48 AM

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

~ Saddening... The void in life...

Last night couldn't sleep again...
Just keep staring into space.
Feel super tired, then yesterday still being
tortured by dance. Push up, crunches, twirls,
whirls, stretches and breaking...
After I finish dance Dear came to find me.
He straight after working with his Dad, come
to my school. He is so sweet. =)
However, I think I make him feel jealous or at least make him feel very restless about it. I don't want to hurt him anymore, I felt so sad. Really very sad... I totally forgot to tell him that every morning my friend and I walk to school together. He accidentally overheard me telling my Mum I walk to school with my friend. After that there was silence from my Dear... I really felt so bad last night. Went to his house to print out resume for my Mum. It was so quiet, not like us at all. I went to lie down next to him, he didn't react. Why am I so stupid?! Suddenly, he started to ask me whether he was overreacting about the situation. I couldn't answer. I was too sad already, tears flowed without stopping. I tried to cover my crying, but as usual he knew. I don't know why I get this feeling every time when I feel I wasn't a good enough girlfriend for him. Meaning, I do not have enough to offer him. He always gives me the best. Also Dear is the first guy I saw crying for me. Sad sia...
... Past is the past ...
Holidays are coming people! Time to work, work,
work and work! Time to save money for all
those important things you have to spend on!
- Dear, my only one -
9:40 AM

Monday, January 28, 2008


Hi! Hi.. Hi...
Today's conclusion: It's very de cold...
Aargh! Freezing in classroom! Some more
still have the air con... Sadded...
*Shivers* T^T
Friday night, Saturday night, Sunday night
all also have to work. Haiz... I am still very tired
lei... Last night sleep at 2 am plus... Then the
worst thing is... I couldn't fall asleep.
I just stare at the ceiling like a zombie...
Keep thinking about what happened at work...
Sian lah...
Yesterday was the worst day of the weekend!
Went to work at OCC with Dear, Yao Liang and me...
Hehe... Then the ballroom hor, they put so
little people to so many tables! So abnormal.
They think what. Now a days the waiters
can fly already ah?
So my Dear and Yao liang a.k.a. the Rock, upstairs
flying around with dishes. Whilst I was downstairs
at Sapphire Suite entertaining myself with
the most romantic little wedding. Yesterday night
I carry a LOT sia! No wonder Dear always asks
me not to carry all the dishes. I like want
to break already! First time I solely do 2 tables
all by myself, and it went pretty well!
Oh yeah!
I am getting better at this! *praise praise*
Ha! No lah... I am still so lousy!
Still had to deal with the drunk at my table.
So damned irritating, feel like slapping that guy.
But I remained NICE! Nice, haha, nice nice girl...
Holy! I am sneezing my lungs out, and I think my
nose wants to run away already.
Oh yea people! Announcement:
Going to have pay increase le. Cannot tell
the Mother! Ha-ha! Can save an extra
penny for my phone bills and food.
The End!
9:48 AM

Thursday, January 24, 2008

DOTA??? Whats that???

Yesterday, ha-ha, so fun!
My Dear with me the ENTIRE day!
The feeling is so good... =)
After I finish giving tuition to that
little monkey Beng Rui, my Dear went to
teach me DOTA. The first time he talked
to me about DOTA, was I don't know when
actually. I was like: "What's DOTA? DOTA
where? Can you eat it???"
So funny! He teach me, I think he want to
die already la! I am so hopeless in this. Hehee...
I don't really fancy the game, but oh well. I want to
be able to play with him and his friends.
At least he won't feel so bad.
Today school again, so boring... I won't be seeing
Dear the almost the whole day. Sadded...
Just finished UT, so very confused!
Tomorrow work again & preparing a surprise
for our 6 months! I hope can make it, if not
he'll have to wait a little bit longer.
Shhht! It's a secret! Ha-ha!
Love you lots Dear!
10:02 AM

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Oh yea! Not really, maybe a bit...

Why oh yea? Because something came dropping
in on me this morning. What it is?
My little secret... Hehe... Don't lame lah Wan Ru!
Ehe... =X
Today... Nothing much to say lei... Problem
sia... I am getting more and more boring by the
day. Problem statements getting more and more
sadistic. Classes getting more and more absurd.
Dream getting more and more true, nightmares
too by the way. In a way...
This week:- Monday - School + Dance
- Tuesday - School
- Wednesday - School + Tuition
- Thursday - School + Dance
- Friday - School + OCC
- Saturday - Tuition + OCC
- Sunday - OCC
I love Dear! I love Dear! I love Dear!
I love Dear!
I love Dear! I love Dear! I love Dear!
I love Dear!
I love Dear! I love Dear! I love Dear!
I love Dear!
I love Dear! I love Dear! I love Dear!
I love Dear!
I love Dear! I love Dear! I love Dear!
I love Dear!
Okay, I know I am irritating, but since I
DO not have anything to write... Oh well...
Sorry lah... =) Forgive me...
I DO not know why all of a sudden I really
like the I DO! Ha-ha... So fun...
*Time to nap in class.*
XxXx Bye bye xXxX
9:51 AM

Monday, January 21, 2008


Again afraid of waking up this morning.
Not feeling too well...
Scared of what the day will bring me...
More quarrels, money problems, misunderstandings,
pain or surprises?
So very tired... Pfew!
Yesterday had a big fight with Mum. About
money... Haiz... Very hurting... I do not
wish to think about it anymore. I just have to work
a bit harder, save a bit harder. Shouldn't be
a problem. I guess...
Also yesterday I had a misunderstanding with
Dear. So heartPAIN... I do not wish to have
any of that anymore. It was my fault. I am
always so unclear in my communication. That is
one of the ways how I hurt people.
However, yesterday this cutest Dear surprise
me with talking about something. He is so
Cute! Ha-ha... He ask me something, for before
he go NS. I was so surprised, confused, happy and
enthralled! You know I won't say NO!

Then today horx, iyoh! My team ah...
I should have skipped school today too!
Tabuleh tahan...
Ok, crapped enough once again...
I love Dear!!!
~(( XxX ))~
9:38 AM

Friday, January 18, 2008

Again Fridays Boredom.
Haiz! I
hate Fridays and it's lessons.
I totally dislike VB and mathematics.
But most of all I don't like
C*** W**L**!!!
For those in E35J (my class), will know who
I am referring to. =(
Notifying notice: Do you notice that actually
I always type about my yesterdays. Oww anyway,
it doesn't really matter.
I think I hurt him, or at least I did something bad.
I just do not know how to express myself in
verbal ways. He can, I envy him for that really.
I wish I could do that too, so that I do not need to
make him wonder so much about what I am
trying to say. Making things so difficult...
Why am I such an
introvert? Though I have improved
a lot since I have come to Singapore. Not praising
myself or something, but I really did. I hope so at least.

Since I met him, I have talked more about my
thoughts than usual. Even schooling at Poly has
helped me to some extent. Still, until now, I feel
that I can only create problems. It is best no one hangs
around me for too long. I would only hurt them...
I do not want that anymore...
No more...
Then there is another thing which bothers
me a lot. Why don't I know when people like
me or like like me? Am I truly blind or just dumb?
I feel so stupid!
Why can't I simply have guy friends, without
them getting the wrong message? Am I truly so
damned blind???
Also I am scared that Dear will get jealous if I have
some guy friends which I am close to. I mean... Haiz...
I just do not know how to deal with things already.
Feel so tired these days. I am drained.
Everyday, my Mum will quarrel with my brothers.
Have to listen to her whining, nagging and bla-bla.
Money problems are not making things easier too.
I am the only one working, but it seems I do
not have anything much to give my family. I am
so useless...
I wish that someday soon I will get the courage
to speak up and let go of those crappy feelings.
love my Dear, my family and the friends that
have been by my side in difficult times.
They have made me what I am today! I would have
been even more damned without them.
9:29 AM

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Fearing Thursdays

Once again, today didn't want to come out of bed.
The feeling of continuing to sleep and dream is
simply too overwhelming. This morning I felt like
not getting my lazy fat ass out of bed. Just let me
sleep la!
Just finished my UT... Omg... It was so difficult! I
just hope I'll be able to pass clean through the first
year, and promote to my second year.
Soon our Modern Dance IG having a performance
at Zouk. We are training hard for our Hip Hop item.
I hope also can catch up with the dance steps. I
missed out on monday. Haiz... Today have to buck up!
Later meeting Dear for lunch I think... Hehe, must
see him lor. If not my day so boring le...
~Loving Dear!~
9:31 AM

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Zzz... Freaking tired...
I would like to start with a conclusion today.
Ha-ha... Conclusion: I am tired... Dots...
Yesterday after school went to work at OCC.
I do not think I should do this again during school
days. Very tiring ya... I thought it would be ok to
work during school days, but I think I am wrong.
Old liao la, all my bones want to break already.
Actually yesterday it was supposed to be 1 on 1, but
hor, it ended up to be 2 on 3. Meaning 2 people take
care of 3 tables. However, it seemed as the night
passed it was more like 1 on 3! That stupid new
Indian guy I met, didn't do anything much to help
me out. Me, the n00b at OCC, the unknowing, the
sotong and blurqueen. He just left me there to fend
for myself. Luckily Leong helped me out at times. If
not, I think I would have been dead by halfway the Banquet.
Ok, this doesn't matter anymore. At the beginning of
the evening, Brian send Dear down to Aranda Lounge
to help out. So sadded sia... Oh well, he came back up to
the ballroom around 9 pm. At least I could see him. Hehe...
When we finally finished work, Dear surprised me with
loads of food that he kept for me. So SWEET! He always
thinks of me. Haiz... I wish I could be so good to him
too! He makes all of my days!
So ya, talked enough crap le... Let's get my school work
starting. Tata!
~Loves Dear Lots!~
9:53 AM

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

No title...
Yesterday went to the doctor... Haiz... I dun like...
No choice, Dear worried and insists me to go doctor.
So, we were sitting there waiting for my turn to go in.
Then when the doctor attend to me, he listen to my
lungs and heartbeat. At first that man thought I
might have asthma. Siao! If I have asthma would
I be able to hang on so long? HA-HA! Anyway, the
doctor concluded that I had a sensitive nose, and I
might have picked up a certain dust which I am not
very resistant to. That is why I can't stop coughing.
Oh well, I am still alive, so it doesn't really matter.
Now, Important Notice!!!
11:56 AM

Monday, January 14, 2008

Tiring Mondays... and... HAPPY FIFTH MONTH DEAR! ^.^

Good morning!
Good, because today is Dear and me five months
together le!!! Yeah! So fast! I am LOVING it so
badly!!! Love you Dear! Hope to see you soon! =D
And not so good actually, because I was almost late for
my test this morning. Last night, when I came back
from work I went to shower and sleep. It was
already freaking late that is. I remember I kind of
set my alarm for the morning, but guess what... I
set it halfway only. Meaning, I set the alarm, but
never on it. It's like so DUMB! No wonder I am
called a SOTONG. Sadded sia... T^T
Then when my Mum woke me up, I was still in
a daze. My mind still clouded with sleep and
dreams. I felt like shit. My head spinning, blur
vision and stomach upset. Worst of all, I have
totally no idea why. Later Dear wants me to go and
see doctor. Bleah! I don't going to the doctor, it's such
a waste of money. However, he cares about me and
wants to know what is wrong with these few weeks.
That is why I should see the doctor. Right Dear? Right!
Then this weekend had work, as usual la. Some more
yesterday was my fourth day of work, then that Brian
go ask me serve VIP table nia! What a dumb dumb! He
is even dumber than me! I just started working a few days
only, then still make me do VIP, on top of that they are
Japanese! Bow here, bow there. Balancing the serving tray
is already difficult enough without all the bowing. LOL!
But the worst part was, they left Dear to fend for himself with
two tables FULL of MUTHU CURRY!!! Aargh, then his auntie
partner is like so useless! Only take care of her table! STUPID!!
Luckily the aunties where very good to me! =) They told me
exactly what to do and how. Anyway, I survived and went
through the night without making any mistakes. Pfew!
Never mind, the past is the past. I think I have filled today's
entry with more than enough crap already. So people, make the
best of your day and see you!
9:54 AM

Friday, January 11, 2008

Oh, Boring Friday! II
Oh my God! Today so bored until I want to
type another entry for my blog. Even when
I have nothing to say in my blog, it seems I still
can type a certain amount of crap in this space...
My dear feels so sick, until the extent that he can't
even reply my messages. Haix, I think is because I
disturb him too much le. I was just worried about him.
Wondering how he was feeling and all that. IS THERE
Anyway, my friend here next to me, Hui Shan, is
hyperventilating because the facilitator is making
her SUPER nervous! She is so hilarious sia! Breath
in, breath out... Breath in, breath out...
After lesson, I am going to fly to my dear's house
and see how he is doing. Then I have t o rush my
homework and submit it, before going for tuition.
Teach my two little adorable K2 students!
Actually, I still have to buy new shoes nia. My shoes
just died on me. Sob... Sadded... Just like that eh...
Later have to rush and buy new shoes le... If not
tomorrow how I go work! Bare feet...
LOL! So random... And now back to my classroom, VB
and my oh so nervous classmate!
Muackx! <3
3:12 PM

Oh, Boring Friday!
This morning so tired sia! Don't feel like waking up.
My alarm go off at 08.05, I let it snooze...
Beep! Alarm goes off again at 08.10, I let it snooze...
Beep!! Alarm goes once again at 08.15, and I bash it.
Well, I had to drag my lazy backside out of my most
comfortable bed, to prepare myself for another day of
boring school. Some more today it is computing lessons.
Loud out : BLEAHX! ^-^V
Then, wa lau, I go school the first thing I do is
bang s***! The stomach ache won't go away. Then
after first break, went to visit the toilet again! Is
like no end like that, I didn't even eat anything yet.
Afterwards, I went to make a call to my dear. Check
whether he awake le or not. That is when I found
out he was feeling unwell too! Also got tummy ache!
Should be the MacDonalds we ate yesterday... That
is the only thing in our meals yesterday that was the
same. Sue them!!! Make him feel unwell! >:(
Aarghh, I want him to stay at home and rest well.
Later I go find him when I going to give tuition.
Can't wait to see him, let him sleep on my lap...
Wahaha! Siao!
Ok, back to my boring VB computer programming...
- : : Hug Hug Dear! : : - =^.^=
10:41 AM

Monday, January 7, 2008

Back 2 School
Ahuhms, today back to school le... Haix... Sleepy!
Just now Dear went to find me at school to bring me out for lunch!
Ha-ha so sweet!! Soon we going to our 5th month le!
Then later have dance again... Have to train for competition for Danceworks.
Today, first meal lunch result > So far no vomit, or any other kind of disposal
of food that was taken in. Good! ^-^
Oh Dear, I have something for you! He-he...
A for ... Adorable!!!
B for ... Benghui!!!
C for ... Cute!!!
L for ... Love you!!!
2:39 PM

Friday, January 4, 2008

Holidays and Sicks >>>
Holidays are coming to their ends and I am sitting here...
Typing and updating my oh so boring blog. Ha-ha...
Firstly, Happy 2008 everyone!!! LOL, I am so backdated!Anyway, just wanted to tell something about the holidays =)
Overall nothing much, mostly is work work work, went out a few times.
Saw my baobei's finally! So happy, it feels so good! Keke...
Finally saw Joan and Kelly, in full health, too bad I only could spend a
limited time with them. I had to go work! Sobx ='( Nevertheless, it was
truly a fun time... =D
Then got this new job at Orchard Country Club (OCC). Is like waitressing
like that. Only just a bit more "fashionable", I do not know how to describe
it. Never mind me... =P
I am now waiting for my dear to come home, can't wait to see him.
But, don't know why eh, feelings so very sick the past few days.
My head like want to burst, neck pain, keep vomiting, and also have the
feeling like I have been punched in the stomach several times. It is like
all cramped up. Don't know what is wrong with me, but I guess I'll just have
to watch out and try to rest a bit more... Yupx...
Ok, I type so long le! Can't take it anymore, I have to stop. Wahaha...
Love my Secondary School Girlfriends! Loves Dear! <3
12:44 PM